Huge News
Los Angeles: CETMA needs to move

I'm gonna be in Chicago
Hey!! My wife and I will be in Chicago, my hometown, later this week. We arrive Friday morning and leave next Wednesday.
We'll be everywhere, exercising our unique carpet-bombing travel technique. We'll cover all points between the South Loop and Wrigleyville. If you're in Chicago, I wanna meet you. Please text me: 541-515-3936.
Haven't been this excited for a trip in a long time. Chicago!
CETMA Handlebar Ashtray
Smoking while biking, a casual symbol of citizen-biking for utility. A subtle yet potent reminder that bikes are ordinary machines, not necessarily for health-fetishists or tedious political exhibitionism. Introducing the CETMA Cargo handlebar ashtray, a conceptual nod to the ultimate symbol of utility cycling for the everyman.
CETMA's newest co-pilot
Emerald is a fitting addition to this shop. Not only a great welder, but a wise woman with an extremely varied background. A happy new chapter begins. Cheers, Emerald!
Here is Emerald's personal website:
Here's her bio:
CETMA is Hiring
CETMA's looking to hire someone great: a mechanically-inclined welder to enthusiastically head my CETMA rack department. The ideal person will be Andrew W.K..
You don't need to be a pro, but some MIG welding and general metalwork experience is necessary.
Facts about this position: It's a lot of easy work in a small but well-organized shop for an easy going and generous person with high standards and punk/DIY ethics. This is a paid position with a flexible schedule and many bonuses. It's a good job, really.
The ideal person will be a punctual west-side resident with a sense of humor and shared cultural views. I'm open minded, but this probably won't work if you're a total spazz or show up in flip-flops or are a personification of Bert from Sesame Street.
Interested people should contact me via email. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks, everyone!
Cheers to the great Matthew Moore!

Over the course of a year, Matt really knocked it out of the park. He became an excellent welder and seemed happy to work hard for all the right reasons. We recently calculated that he built over 400 5-rails and 100 HALFracks during his time here.
Matt was a huge improvement to CETMA. He streamlined production and was responsible for improving the HALFrack with smart redesigns. He also became a good friend to have--we shared humor and certain cultural viewpoints, although Matt still maintains the unforgivable opinion that Disneyland sucks. Yeah, I know.
More importantly, Matt's a genuinely pleasant person to be around. He's conscientious and bright and affable. Despite this very small workshop, Matt was always easy to share the space with. I'm really sorry he's gone. Cheers to Matthew Moore, a champion co-pilot and swell fella!